The Depths We Sink To (Chapter Ten)

Spoilers for Fracture


Never on the bed.

That seemed to be some unspoken rule.

He'd had her on the carpet, against the wall, over the dresser, even in the doorway with it partially open and the chilly air glancing over their slick skin.

But not on the bed.

Tonight, he thought it might be. She was pulling him towards it as his coat joined her jacket on the floor.

He stumbled forward as her hands grasped his collar. He didn't know what it was about the bed that tantalized him so. Perhaps it was the way she so scrupulously avoided it. A few times, he nearly had her on it, only to have her push him off, move with swishing hips to somewhere, anywhere else.

Tonight, she stopped just short of the bed, and he found himself groaning. She seemed to be gravitating toward the bathroom. He couldn't think why. He'd, of course, made sure to put in a little extra to ensure it was scrupulously clean. But a motel bathroom... honestly.

He stripped the T-shirt over her head and suddenly stopped caring where.

"Where are you supposed to be?" he gasped, pulling at an annoyingly tight sports bra. 

"Jogging," she panted back, letting him hoist it up and over her arms.

"Thought so." The sweats were a bit of a give-away. That was her story again. Half the nights, she met him in stretchy cotton because, of course, she had taken up nightly jogs.

He, luckily, had no one to answer to. But she had to tell her loud-mouthed cousin something. Maybe she had to tell Clark, too. The two of them seemed so firmly attached at the side. A few of his men had informed him that he was still seen hanging around with her. It was... annoying. As much as he didn't mind the added bonus of keeping an eye on Clark as he kept an eye on Chloe... Did the two of them have to spend nearly every waking moment together?

Clark had Lana. He'd won her away. But this... this was something he couldn't have, couldn't even have an inkling of. Clark wasn't the only one that could keep a secret. This was secret. This was his alone.

He backed her toward the sink, pulling at her pants, lifting her onto it so he could draw them down her legs. "You weren't here last night."

She kicked at her shoes and the pants went with them. "I was workig till three am. I had to go over the police blotter since you fired Horowitz." 

He kissed his way up her stomach. "He was insubordinate."

She turned her head away as he got to her neck. "He's been working there five years and..."

He took her chin in his hand and pulled her face front. "I thought we agreed not to talk shop."

"If you weren't such an asshole in our shop..." 

He met her lips, nibbling at the bottom one. He liked when she got pouty on him. '

She broke away. "Fine." She started working at his buttons. "And you're one to talk about no-shows. I waited an hour on Thursday and..."

"I was out of town." He made quicker work of the remaining buttons. "I told you that."

"You said you'd be out of town Wednesday. Didn't know you'd make a holiday out of it."

He hadn't planned to. But he'd impulsively told a certain Detroit waitress named "Linda" that he was in town for a few days. She'd said she hoped he'd stop in to try their omelets. He couldn't bear to disappoint her. Things were coming along so well... "You sound disappointed." He pulled his belt from the loops. "Did you miss me?"

Her eyes narrowed as she leaned against the sink. "Hardly. I just thought I should show up here in case you took it your head to show up at my place again."

"That was coincidence." Maybe he had popped in for a coffee last Tuesday. Maybe he had seen her on her way up the stairs. Maybe he had slipped her a note and waited in his car until she finally showed up. And maybe they hadn't even made it to room 23 that night. Just a hurried, frantic fuck on the side of the Interstate with her bouncing in his lap, her knee flirting with the gearshift. "You were just lucky that night."

"You mean you were," she said tartly. It was something she still didn't quite acknowledge, how good this was for her. But he didn't need to hear the words. He knew that he was the only man who'd ever taken her to orgasm at all, let alone over and over. That was nearly enough for him. "Turn on the shower," she panted. 

He gritted his teeth. It was only nearly enough, however. He'd sent quality sheets and bedding to The Paradise Motel along with a hefty sum to keep the room almost indefinitely and he'd still not had a chance to use them. "Why not the bed?" he finally asked.

She stared through the doorway for a moment, then back at him. She ran her hands up to his neck, then fluttered her fingers against his scalp. "I want to fuck you wet," she breathed.

And he knew it was avoidance, but his cock jumped at her words, straining through his boxers toward her... spectacularly ugly panties. He hooked a finger in the waistband. "These are hideous."

"So?" She shrugged. "I'm supposed to be jogging."

"Is your cousin going to check your underwear, too?"

She rolled her eyes. "Are you going to play fashion police or are we doing this?" She pushed him away and moved past him, pushing the panties down her hips as she moved to the tub. She kicked them aside as she slid the glazed door open. "I don't have to be here, you know." He watched with interest as she bent, turning the knobs to her satisfaction.

"Yes, you do." He came up behind her and gripped her bent hips, pulling them back against him.

He realized it might have been a bad move when she straightened and turned, her eyes hard. "No. Actually, I think I'll..."

He kissed her then, pushing her to the side and up against the glazed door. He had to be careful with her. He couldn't push them, these moments of truth. That nearly prissy indignance, possibly learned from Clark, was a constant problem. He always walked that line with her. These nights could happen or not on a word. And, as he learned that first night in Room 23, actions spoke louder.

He let his fingers do the talking, trailing them downwards, searching between her legs. Flicking against her clit until her mouth went slack against his. He took his hand away and moved to the side, stepping over the lip of the narrow, yellow tub. He waited until she turned, her eyes slightly glassy, before he spoke. "You're right. You don't have to be here."

Her eyes narrowed and focused on him. "You're such a dick." But she stepped over, into the spray and the disgustingly narrow tub. If she wanted shower play, he had many bathrooms at home that were much more suited to it. But that was out of the question for both of them.

There might be talk.


"Hello? I'm talking to you?"

Chloe shook her head and turned to Lois. "I'm sorry. I must have drifted."

"Yeah. You're doing that a lot." Lois pursed her lips. "Chloe, as your cousin, let me just give you some familial advice. You have to stop it."

Chloe froze with her mug halfway to her lips. "Stop what?" 

"Well, between these night jogs and nights working late, it's only too obvious."

Chloe's eyes widened. She couldn't know. She just...

Lois threw her hands up. "You're burning the candle at both ends." 

Chloe let out a breath, glad Lois hadn't caught on. It was one thing, Lois screwing around with their editor. It was a whole other, whatever this masochistic craze was with Lex, who was not only the owner of the paper, but her enemy. In a way, it some kind of sick sense. Where Lois might have stood to gain from Gabriel, she had only to lose with Lex. So why was she doing it? Why couldn't she stop? 

"I'm fine, Lois," she lied.

"Is this because of Jimmy? I mean, you never dealt with that and maybe... Maybe you should spend some nights out instead of overworking. Meet a nice guy. Like we could go clubbing or..."

"I'm not a club person," she said quickly. "You know that." Lois had a thing for clubs and loud music and tight shirts and leather skirts. Chloe wasn't on that wavelength. Before Lex, her ideal night out was sci-fi movies and a large popcorn. Now it was a bland room with bad lighting and such intense physical pleasure that... she couldn't stop. "I just like to deal with stress my way. Could you let me?"

"Fine." Lois stuffed her wrappers back into the bag with more noise than was necessary. "You have dark circles, your coffee intake has gone up to gallons, you've lost weight and you really didn't need to, but... Fine." She crumpled the bag. "It doesn't have to be clubbing. Just... not this." She stalked off.

This. Lois thought this was workaholism and some workout addiction. If she only knew... But she could never know. No one could. Chloe wasn't sure she wanted to know it herself. What was she thinking? She had to stop this. Lois was right. As much as the sex seemed like a relief, the effort to get to it took time away. As did the long, hot nights when her body turned to liquid and every care just evaporated into bliss and stress just... No. It didn't relieve stress. It created it. She could see it now, after two days without it. Two days without excuses. Didn't she have more sleep last night? Why couldn't she keep going without it? If she could go two days, then she could go three, four... Before she knew it, she'd have had a week without...

"Jesus," she breathed inappropriately. It wasn't Jesus before her. It was about the farthest thing. Lex was back from... wherever he'd been. She didn't ask him. She was afraid to ask, to pry, no matter how much her instincts told her to. If she found out then those nights would be even dirtier than they were. Instead of mutual... relaxation, as she tended to think of it, it would be something else. It would be lies, even prostitution. Fucking in exchange for truth, rather than money. It would sully it all even more.

His eyes lit on her as he descended the stairs. She quickly turned away, standing and gathering the remains of her lunch, praying he wouldn't dare, not at work.


Of course he did. She didn't look up. "Mr. Luthor?" She stuffed napkins, wrappers, even still-dripping coffee cups into her bag.

"I've been meaning to speak to you about your..."

She took her bag and moved past him to the break room without letting him finish. She didn't want to dignify this game by playing it in public. It seemed too close to deception and she was deceiving those around her enough. 

She moved into the empty break room and tossed her trash in the can and moved to the coffee pot.

"Nice little insubordinate move," she heard him say softly behind her. "Trying to be a hero for all your pals?"

She glanced behind her. No one was there. Maybe there was a part of her that liked the admiration she might get for sticking it to the boss man, but most of her reason for leading him in here was that she preferred to continue this conversation where she could actually say the words. "What are you doing down here?"

"Just checking up on my investment." He gave a tight-lipped smile.

"In the basement? When the bigger stories are being tapped out under the Tiffany lamps upstairs?" She turned her eyes back to the coffee. "You should know better than to come down here and, even worse, come straight to me. That does neither of us any favors." 

"I'm sure they just think I have it in for you." She could feel the distance close between them. "They'd just never suspect it's more that I have it in you whenever the fancy takes..."

"Yes. I get it," she ground out, not turning to him. He just had to talk dirty. He knew it flustered her, especially outside room 23 at The Paradise Motel.

"So... you're coming?" His voice dropped to a low growl.

"You came down here for that?" She opened a seventh sugar packet over her coffee. It was bound for the sink at this point.

"I thought it best to insure that neither of us end up wasting a trip again."

"You could call. You could email. There are a million other ways to get that question answered without coming down here and putting this on display."

"I prefer a more personal touch." She could feel his breath on her neck. "So? Are you coming?"

Yes. "I'll have to think it over."

"I'll just take that to mean you're coming," he whispered. "Over and over, if I have anything to say about it." She shuddered as his footsteps receded. 

They should really be laughable, the things he said. They should be either corny or menacing, not a turn-on. But those words coming out of that mouth... She knew why he did it. She found it hard to say no to him when he was near and he had to know it.


The bed was not a place to cuddle, either. He didn't mind that so much. He was never one to snuggle up. But he'd like a goddamned rest after the nearly acrobatic sex. They didn't even have to cuddle, just lay there. Just recover. But, even that, she wouldn't do. 

The bed was just a place to sit, adjusting clothes and shoes. 

She nearly jumped back into her clothes on the side nearest the door as he slowly replaced his on the side near the bathroom.

"So what about Friday?"

The bed bounced and he felt rather than saw her turn to him. "Why Friday?"

"I'll be out of town until then."

"I see," she said after a moment.

He could almost feel it, how much she wanted to ask him what he was doing. What "crimes against humanity" he might be committing. Nothing so egregious, really. Just wooing her best friend's cousin into trusting him with what little she seemed to know. Of course, he wouldn't tell her. And she didn't truly want to know. If they stopped to acknowledge how great a conflict of interest this was, they'd... stop.

And neither of them wanted that.

"So?" he prodded. "Friday?"

The mattress shifted slightly as he felt her stand. "We'll see."

He stood as well, turning. "Oh, will we?"

"Look, Lex..." She buttoned her blazer and faced him across the bed. It was a business casual night. She was "working late" tonight. Him? He was doing the same, at least that's what he told his assistant, and never mind on what. She really had too much of an interest in where he spent his time. If not for her ever-presence, he wondered if he'd feel free to take Chloe in his house. Of course, she might not go for it regardless. He had a feeling she chose this place the same way she chose not to use the bed. Something cheap and easy. He wasn't about to be wounded by the idea. This was what it was for the both of them. "This can't go on indefinitely," she went on. "I know we both have... needs. But neither of us are idiots. This isn't the healthiest way to indulge them."

He might not be wounded, but it didn't mean he was just going to let her go. Not unless it suited him. But, despite what she said, he knew she wasn't going anywhere. "And I thought it was going so well." He smirked and moved to the dresser, picking up his keys and his phone. He really was tired of this game. "I must be so easily decieved by the cries of 'God, Lex! Fuck, Lex! Harder...'" 

"This isn't about the sex," she growled. "And while we're on that, you aren't exactly quiet before, during, or after."

"Never said I was." He moved toward her. "But I'm not the one still fooling myself." 

"I'm not fooling myself about anything. Do you think I find this even the least bit excusable, considering all you've..."

"I meant," he began, toying with her buttons, "that I don't end each night pretending it's the last. Pretending I won't come back." He pulled a few apart and felt her through her blouse. "I'm pretty honest for a lying snake."

She closed her eyes. "This is extremely unhealthy," she said on a breath.

He took that as aquiescence and pulled her blouse out of her pants, sliding his hand under. "What could be healthier than two consenting adults indulging in some much needed stress relief?"

She slapped his hand away. "Stop that. I just got dressed."

"So did I." He pulled her closer. "You don't hear me complaining," he said into her neck.

"Well, all you have to do is open your pants, whereas I... Uhhh... lower."

He pulled at her belt as he slid his lips down to her collarbone. "It's your own fault for never wearing skirts anymore. This could be so much easier."

"Like we need this to be easier," she panted, pulling at his belt. "I should wear pounds of undergarments like a Victorian woman so I have more time to think this over."

"Bet I could still sway you." He pulled her backward toward the bed, but she moved out of reach, leaning back against the dresser.

"Here. Right here."

He gritted his teeth, but followed. "Ever consider fucking somewhere softer?" He jerked his head to the bed.

"No." She lifted her chin, giving no further explanation.


She thought of taking the stairs, but decided on the elevator, being on the top floor. She wasn't usually up this high, gazing at the reporters in the bull pen she once dreamed of inhabiting. But she had some receipts for accounting. Just for a new battery pack Jimmy had to buy when he went with her to cover the Green Home Expo. It was extremely awkward, to say the least. Jimmy kept... staring at her all morning. Ever since that night in the elevator, he'd been doing so. A part of her was tempted to give him some encouragement. Things with Jimmy were so... secure and safe. If she was with him again, then she'd have a reason to stop seeing Lex. 

But Kara... Kara was missing and Clark still hadn't a clue where she was. Would Jimmy still be gazing at her if Kara hadn't disappeared? She didn't know. She couldn't know. And her pride wouldn't let her even ask. He'd moved on so easily... 

Some people could. 

She pushed the down button and turned to stare through the glass, barely resisting the urge to step forward and press her face against it, like a kid staring through the department store window at toys she'll never have. She'd dreamed of being under those Tiffany lamps, being a part of the kind of news that changed the world. Now... she didn't think she'd ever see them. And didn't know if she wanted that job now when she'd have to toe the line for Lex Luthor. She'd stayed through it all so far, thinking something would change. That he would leave her paper, her dream, alone. That this nightmare would be over. But he showed no sign of leaving. Sleeping with him didn't blind her to who he was. Lex was no good for this paper.

Lex was no good for her. If she could only stop...

"Speak of the devil," she muttered, quickly turning to press the button again as Lex stepped out of his office. She pressed it several times before she gave up. He was behind her. She could feel it. And she didn't want to see him. She hated these encounters, with his dirty words and that line he so nearly crossed. She hated them because she never knew how to react, could only stand both frozen and melting before him. Also, he seemed to relish them so much and she couldn't stand seeing him get what he wanted from her. He was getting enough, damn it!

It was one of the two reasons she wouldn't let him have her on the bed. One reason was that it lent some sort of reality. Chloe Sullivan would never screw a guy against a wall, a door, a dresser, bent over a sink... Chloe Sullivan made love. And in a bed. Therefore Chloe Sullivan really wasn't doing these things.

The other reason was just childishness. She didn't want to give him what he wanted. He couldn't have everything, after all, no matter how entitled he seemed.

She pursed her lips as she felt him draw up to stand beside her. She glanced around. No one else was waiting. "What are you doing here? I thought you'd be gone till Friday."

"My jet's down and I can't get a flight out of Metropolis International until one."

"Can't you hang out at Luthorcorp? I hear the offices are swankier."

"I'd like to think I'm free to be in any building I own, Sullivan. Besides, this one's closer to the airport."

She rolled her eyes at the elevator door. "And here I thought you were just here to torture me."

"Is it really such torture, being so close with no time to get.. closer?"

She turned her head to him. "Would you give it a rest? If we can't talk shop at The Paradise, you should stop talking dirty at work. There are lines, Luthor."

"I know." He glanced down. "Very tempting lines that just beg to be crossed." 

"God, you're like a child testing the boundaries." She bit back a smile. It was possibly something she liked about him. She was allowed to like something, after all. She'd never been drawn to a man like him. Clark was so staid and proper. Jimmy so eager and honest. But Lex had such a sense of mischief. It threw her off. She didn't know if she wanted to play along and get in trouble or chide him like a schoolmarm. "The more someone says don't, the more you..."

"Want to do. I seem to remember a certain girl that would take a no-trespassing sign as a welcome mat, so don't think you're so high and mighty."

She did smile then, turning her head away. Why couldn't he just stay away? She could only think clearly about him when he wasn't so near.

The slight ding signaled the arrival of the elevator and she braced herself. "I think you should take the next one."

"I think not. They're too slow in this old crypt." He gestured to the doors as they opened.

She stepped in, hoping he wouldn't be so careless as to try anything in here. Those doors could open on any floor. "If you think so little of this crypt, then why did you buy it?"

"I think the better question is why are you wearing a skirt?" He pulled a card from his pocket and waved it in front of the panel. A tiny red dot lit up on a box at the top.

"What's that?"

"My own personal fast pass," he said as the doors closed. "Had the men install it first thing. Blocks the calls from other floors until I've reached my destination. This elevator is slow enough without me having to suffer fools at every stop."

"Yes. Very convenient," she said. She moved to press the B button, but he stood in front of the panel and crossed his arms. "You can't be thinking..."

"Oh, I could."


"So it's Lex now?" He tilted his head. "I thought we weren't supposed to use first names in the work place."

"We aren't supposed to fool around, either, but you seem pretty quick to toss that out." She tried to reach past him and press the button, but he grabbed her wrist.

"You never answered my question."

"You never answered mine," she countered.

"Mine was more important. Last night, I intimated you should wear more skirts and here you are, all skirted up. A man might get ideas," he drawled.

"It's just... laundry was backed up. Not because of anything you..."

He was on her. Lips on hers, body pushing hers to the back wall, and a hand snaking up her skirt. 

She tore her lips away. "No. Anyone could come in."

"No, they can't." He mouthed her breast through her blouse. "No one gets in here until I'm at my destination."

She pushed, though not with much feeling, as he grasped her leg and hooked it over his hip. "But we have rules."

"Fuck them." He bit her nipple throught her blouse and she madly wondered if her blazer would cover the wet spot. "I'm going away for two days, Chloe. I need to know you'll be here when I get back." His eyes met hers as his hand dipped into her panties.

He needs to know. He needs me. Need... That more than anything made her head fall back against the wall as his fingers made quick, hard circles against her clit. She was a sucker for being needed.

She brought her hand to his neck, pulling his head to hers. She'd had few kisses like his. Jimmy's were always slow and sweet. Clark's, going by the few, were surprised and over too quickly, no more than a tease. 

But Lex... He kissed like a starving man. Lex kissed hard and desperately, as if sex was a foregone conclusion, no waiting. And there would be no waiting even now. Her orgasm was coming so quickly, possibly because he wanted it to. She couldn't stand it, but she coudn't deny this man what he wanted... needed. He needed her. Suddenly she saw them as more. She saw a Lex that might use his power and money, not to gain more of the same, but to change the world for the better. One that would stop thinking of answers that were owed to him, but what he owed the world around him. As the waves started to crash over her, she saw a man that was... stopping.

He pulled his hand from her panties and from under her skirt, then detached his lips from hers. 

Her body was shaking, poised for release. But he was stepping back with a smirk. He pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his hand as she sagged against the wall. 

"You'll get the rest on Friday." He turned and pressed the B on the panel and her eyes narrowed.

How could she think of him as anything more than he was? Even this was just insurance that she'd be there to submit to him. And it pissed her off. She lurched forward and grasped his shoulder, pushing him against the side wall, unbuckling his belt and shoving her hand into his designer trousers before he could breathe. She grasped his cock, hard and hot. He wasn't unaffected, no matter how he tried to play it off as only her. She gripped it and slid her hand up and down, squeezing and sliding as the elevator lurched downwards. She held his wide, dilated eyes as she jerked him in his pants, one eye glancing up to her right. Sixth floor, fifth floor... She pulled her hand out and stepped back. "Same to you." She leaned against the wall on the other side and buttoned her blazer and straightened her skirt. "Better buckle up... Luthor."

He stared at her, something that looked like wonder in his eyes, before he glanced down to right himself. He'd just managed to close his own jacket when the doors opened.

She sailed out, trying to keep her legs steady until she could sit. She made a beeline for her desk and only looked up when she'd planted herself in her chair. She saw him then, stepping out and giving her a look that was something between a glare and a smile before he headed for the restroom.

"What's he doing here?" She glanced up. Lois was standing next to her desk. "I thought you said we didn't have to worry about Luthor for a few days."

"Did I?" 

"Yes. You said he was going away. That you had it from his assistant. You know, that snotty one."

She hardly remembered what she said anymore. Just that she was so desperate to distance herself from him to anyone. She cleared her throat and turned on her monitor. "Well, we won't have to worry. He should be leaving on the next flight out of MI."

Lois snorted. "Not before he came down here to bug you."

Chloe straightened at her desk. "He's not bugging me. I can handle it."

"Chloe, he's been dogging you. Megan told me he comes down here almost daily just to give you a hard time. Wonder how that bastard would feel if someone dogged his every move. Maybe even wrote a scathing expose on his illicit..."

"Lois..." Chloe closed her eyes and sighed. "Do you honestly think that, should you get something on Lex, a paper he owns would even touch it?"

"Well... It would be news, wouldn't it? I mean, The Daily Planet is supposed to be the best in the city. There has to be a rogue editor in here somewhere who's not about to toe the line to make the boss smell like roses."

"Trust me. If there was a rogue editor, he or she was quickly canned when the new management rolled in." She sat back and sadly wondered why she even stayed here, the way things were. "The Daily Planet is not the same paper it used to be. All we can do is wait it out and hope for change. Hope it's... back where it should be." But would it ever be? Her dream had been dismantled. No wonder she could so easily come at the hands of a man she once despised. She really had nothing left to...

Once despised. She shook her head at the thought. She still despised him. Orgasms didn't change that.

She watched him emerge from the men's room and resolutely turned away. She had two days to get some perspective. Two days to search her soul and stop this madness...

"I just wonder," she heard Lois say. "Where he's off to..." She followed her eye line to Lex. his back to them, pressing the button at the elevators.

She wondered herself. A few months ago, she would have been taking this opportunity to delve deep. Not for an article. But for that file she was keeping. It was marked Luthor, Lex and included every transgression and suspicious activity she'd gathered. She'd given it to Lois one night and wondered whether the mania had rubbed onto Lois and off her. She was less ready to jump at him now. She had a dilemma now, on so many levels. 

Level one was the sex. If she was doing this and she gained information, was she no better than a prostitute?

Level two was the... feelings. A person didn't sleep with a man and not see some part of his soul. He made her come. Part of it was his ego, that she knew, but another part was that insurance, just what he'd gained today. The insurance that she'd come back for more. And why? Why her when he could have or hire any mumber of lithe, willing surgically-enhanced bimbos? If he wanted sex, he could get it easily and anywhere. She couldn't shake that feeling. That feeling she was... needed.

"You said he was taking the next flight?"


"Oh, don't worry. I'm on a story out of town anyway." She slapped a folder in her hands. "The Shelbyville Antique Doll Show. Can't you just feel the excitement?"

"It's between holidays," Chloe pointed out. "If it's not an expo, it's a dog show or doll show. Just get used to it. It's the way of the basement." And didn't she know it after all this time. The basement. She'd rot here while a Luthor ran things. It wasn't even that she couldn't get out. It was also that, if she did, she'd now never know if it was by her own merits or... because of him.

What had she gotten herself into?


"Wha... Wha's wrong?" she asked, still bleary.

Clark was standing over her bed. In another time, this would be something out of her wildest dreams, but she knew that look, that hardened jaw and crinkled brow, even in the dark.

She sat up and turned on the lamp. "Is it Lana?" Because that was the one person who could elicit that look.

"It's Lex."

She glanced up at him in the light. He still looked stricken and she was taken back to a time when Clark would have done anything for Lex. It was funny, coming at a time when she would do anything for that same man, but she found herself forced to school her features into indifference. "What happened?"

"Lionel called. He was shot."


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