So, with current fics, I'm going to respond to the previous chapters comments at the end of the next chapter, same with the next, the next... and so on for all my current fics!
For comments on older fics or general comments, I'll be replying right here on my fic homework posts. :)
I do have lots of old comments to work through, so I'll be replying to those as I go!
That way, I feel we can all have a nice rapport! So replies below the post! And feel free to reply to replies. And thanks for all the lovely feedback!
Done! I'd feel good about it, but OMG! I am so behind and I have to push everything back! Things are just super busy in the real world (Wedding season!), so I am so sorry to have kept people hanging so long. I'm going to work really hard to catch up!
Out of the Depths 2 (by 6/13/14)
A Day Late 4 (by 6/16/14)
Restless Nights 22 (by 6/17/14)
Restless Nights 23 (by 6/20/14)
Restless Nights Epilogue (by 6/24/14)Restless Nights 23 (by 6/20/14)
Subtraction Time 12 (by 6/26/14)
Subtraction Time 13 (by 6/28/14)
Out of the Depths 3 (by 6/30/14)
Subtraction Time 14
Subtraction Time 15
A Day Late 5
I should know by then how may chapters it should take to finish Subtraction Time. Or maybe it'll be done by then. I can always hope. :) As you can see, Subtraction Time ends up on the front burner as soon as Restless Nights is complete and A Day Late stays on the back burner with OOTD till it gets its turn. :)
Recent replies or ones to completed fic be here:
Trinity said on "How We Got Here (Intro)":
Finished with that one now:) I really like that you touched upon the issues that kept growing in season 8 like Chloe infected by Brainiac, killing Kane, Clark earising her memories. That was awesome!
I can find no way to write Clark or Chloe after season 8 without hashing that crap out. Gah! What a mess that season put everyone into!
And I also like how you dealt with Rokk and his stupid visions of the future. It was really pluausible and actually... so obvious!!
Heh! I decided there was lots of whisper down the lane involved in the fuuuuutuuuure, so they ca hardly be blamed for not knowing that Chloe was awesome and instrumental and that she and Clark were crazy about each other. :)
I really enjoyed that ending:)
Thanks so much! I do love writing a happy end, especially to an angsty fic. ;)
Kristin said on my last fic homework post:
Hello! Hope this not a terrible place to leave a general note.
Not at all! I love feedback anywhere it exists. :)
I am long past overdue to say just how much I enjoy your work. I have read many of your stories more than once, and check regularly for updates (one day I will learn how to use RSS feeds--I'm not the most internet savvy).
That makes most of us. I see the phrase and my mind goes fuzzy. I think there's ways to subscribe with a google acct or blogger, but damned if I can figure out some of blogger's ways. I'm still annoyed at how notifications barely get to email.
I should've left lots of chapter comments, but... I suck, and I'm sorry. Your work is amazing and it deserves better.
Aw! Don't be sorry! And you don't suck at all! I'm just so damned happy to be read with the show over.
Part of it is shyness, the awkwardness of *ahem* not actually being much of a Smallville fan. *looks around, waiting for someone to kick her out*
LOL. It won't be me kicking you out. I seriously cannot fathom why Smallville, of all shows, has inspired me to write so much fic when I don't even admit I watch it in "real life." I am an unabashed fan of Walking Dead, Game Of Thrones, and X-files. But this show makes me write fic like no other. Maybe it's because of the flaws. I just want to grab 'em and FIX!
I do really like Chloe, and I love the way you write her and your stories in general. To that end, I hope you let us know when you publish your original work!!!
I definitely will! I'm still (perpetually?) in final draft mode and am determined to let it sit until I've got my promised auction (there was a charity auction, I over-committed, blah, blah, blah) fics down to a manageable two. Once that happens, I'll be linking to my pseudonym blog. I just don't want to do it until I have anything to announce or it's imminent. :)
In any case, I will try to get better about commenting, but for what it's worth please know that one more person is an avid fan.
Thank you so much! I look forward to knowing what fics you've been enjoying and I really do appreciate the love, especially with a show so long over!
Trinity said... on Almost Friends
I love Martha and Linda and the relations among all the characters! Now, I know I have one last part to reread, but would it be possible in the future to have another one? I love this so much and I would like more and more lol
LOL. I can't say never. But one of these days, I might write a little check-in or time-stamp to the whole Almost Series.
Will it be possible for you to ever actually fix Lexana? I asked that a few years back and you said maybe... but I know it would take a lot of work becayse it is a challenge to fix what the writers screwed up. I know you seem to only focus on Chloe, but maybe...
I don't see myself writing a full-on Lexana fic as, though I find it interesting as a beta ship, I'm not invested enough to spend a whole fic focusing on them. But, if I should ever write more on Before Sunset, there would be Lexana.
This was so great, just, the talk is amazing! It made everything feel so real, and intimate, and fun, I'm amazed that you could even do this. Who knew good communication was such a turn-on! A lovely story, looking forward to the sequels.
Thanks! I certainly hope you enjoy them. I'm still working on the third, but hope to get it done before mid-summer. :)
Of course, on that same chapter, I found that I had never replied to any of the comments. So I'll be cleaning up some of that mess as I go. So, first... the rest of the stuff on Reaction Time 6:
DeeDee said...
I can only applaud you, April. You write these two amazingly well, and the smut was guuuhhhh!!! I'm still fanning myself. ;-) Can't wait to read the sequel!
Obviously, the sequel's done by now, but thanks, Dee! You remain one of my top 5 cohorts in this fandom and I love how we Chlarkers both dove into Chlollie together! Of course, you and Dawn were there to test the waters first, so I knew it was semi-safe!

I loved this fic! I loved all of the layers you showed here. I love Chloe's nervousness and showing her inexperience and I love the laughter and she could laugh and have fun. I loved how they had honest talks about Jimmy and then Davis.
Thanks so much. I think they really needed (or Chloe really needed) to make peace with those two to start moving on with Ollie.
Thanks so much. I think they really needed (or Chloe really needed) to make peace with those two to start moving on with Ollie.
This whole fic was so great all of the teasing was great. You really explored what Chloe was going through really well. Fantastic job!
I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I sometimes worry I might get a bit too in Chloe's head in my fics, but I feel like I can't get smutty without exploring all the THOUGHTS and FEELINGS, so I'm just really glad there are others who appreciate the journey I need to take. :)
Absolutely stunning. Hot damn. Vivid, erotic, mind-sizzling detail just doesn't seem to cut it. I loved the confessions, the hesitation and then the coming together. It all felt so real, yet fantasy fulfilling in the end.
Thanks so much! I do love fantasy-quality smut, but I like to ground it in reality as much as I can. :)
She loves him as much as he does her, she just can't admit it yet. She feels guilty enough for being attracted to him and doing things for him that she never considered doing for Jimmy.
It's really tough on Chloe in this fic, getting her to a place, especially in the very place where Jimmy died, where wanting another man (and more than Jimmy) doesn't feel like adultery, regardless of how he died when they were still divorced.
I loved the inclusion of Oliver's thoughts in Absolute Justice. You could see it on his face. It's like, okay think, look anywhere but there. Of for heaven's sake did she have to wear such a loose top, today of all days. :D
LOL. Agreed! He was definitely trying his best to not leer at Nurse Sullivan!
Looking forward to the follow up when it comes. No pun intended. Loved this. Thank you for writing Chlollie.
It's done by now (and the third is in progress), but so glad you enjoyed! :)
Thanks so much! I aim to please!

Chlollier said...
Congrats... just great... Very realistic, and so tender, Ollie is really amazing... Perfect story... Congrats... I really hope you write a sequel, ur great... I'm totally voting on this one at chlollie awards... Again... congrats!!!
Aw, heck! Just nice to be appreciated!

Aurelia said...
The best Chlollie fic I've ever read...
Thank you!
Thank you!

Bekah said...
Maybe it's just because this is fresh, but this stands a chance of being one of my favorite sex scenes you've written.
Aw, Bek! Honestly, this might have garnered special effort from me. There was just so much more going on for Chloe at that time and in that place and it needed some weight beneath the smut,
I loved the intimacy of it. Loved them being playful and laughing at first and then her being overwhelmed and crying and making some confessions and then the way they communicated when they started going. This really captures what is so wonderful about Chlollie. Chloe is herself with him. She's very open with him, in a lot of ways. They just get each other and can have fun like that. And he sees her as a sexy beautiful woman. Just loved this!
As a multishipper (as I know you are as well), there's a different energy to Chlark, to Chlex, to Chlollie that makes each rewarding to write. Chloe is always a nuanced woman with a lot of internal struggles in each, but I like the ease of writing Chlollie for how little she has to struggle without as much checkered history. There's a playfulness to them, but also the idea that all their dramatic moments (the season 8 crap between them) has happened and they are adults about it. They don't have many hurdles -- only the ones within themselves -- and are free to explore the possibilities. I other words, I enjoy them, too :)
As a multishipper (as I know you are as well), there's a different energy to Chlark, to Chlex, to Chlollie that makes each rewarding to write. Chloe is always a nuanced woman with a lot of internal struggles in each, but I like the ease of writing Chlollie for how little she has to struggle without as much checkered history. There's a playfulness to them, but also the idea that all their dramatic moments (the season 8 crap between them) has happened and they are adults about it. They don't have many hurdles -- only the ones within themselves -- and are free to explore the possibilities. I other words, I enjoy them, too :)
wahoo! One fic feedback complete! *pats self on back* You've checked off two from your list so I best get started on another one. I think I will choose something Chlarky.

malugargula said...
This was so great
I'm happy they finally got together
I'm happy they finally got together
WHEW! I had no idea I had so many comments backed up. I'll try to get to as many as I can as I go, whether people see them or not. In the meantime, see you next update!
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