Almost Clark (Chapter Thirty-Seven)

Chapter Thirty-Seven

Clark leaned on his elbow. It was nearly dawn. He could see her face now and he marveled at the things that had seemed so ordinary to him before. Her skin. The purity of it. The light peach that blended into the slight pink of her cheeks that faded into the pale grey beneath her eyes. He felt somehow responsible for that.

She wouldn't lose sleep again, if he could help it. He found himself grinning. He'd tire her out every night if he...

He frowned to himself.

It wasn't like this was new. It wasn't like they hadn't been doing this for five years, on an off, He didn't deserve this feeling, as if it was... new.

But it felt new.

What he remembered was sketchy, at best. The more he felt her, saw her, moved inside her, the more it came flooding into him. But it still felt so... new.

He really should refresh his memory.

He pulled the sheet down and let his eyes roam over her body. It was all so familiar yet so strange. He'd seen Lana only once and Chloe... he could hardly count. But he'd pushed it away. Now he wondered why.

Fear, his mind whispered and he thought of Kal. Kal who was nothing more than him.

He was afraid of Chloe. He always had been. And in ways he'd never been afraid of Lana. Lana had always inspired tenderness, protectiveness, a need to shelter. Chloe had made him angry, always, and she was stubborn and taunting and reckless.

Yes. She was frightening. Was it any wonder that, under the influence of the red K he'd wanted to taunt her and claim her and shut her smart mouth for a change? And that had scared him, too. The power she made him want to display. The need to tame her.

And why was it so scary? It was nature. The male subdued and possessed while the female fought and, ultimately, surrendered. Maybe sex wasn't meant to be a tender meeting of minds. Maybe it was a fight and a struggle and who said the minds couldn't meet underneath?

He touched her cheek. He'd never tame her and the idea excited him. He thought he wanted peace and stability and a sweet, gentle Lana in his bed. Now he knew. He wanted excitement and chaos to control. He wanted someone who could, not only keep up with him, but hands his ass to him on a regular basis. He wanted Chloe.

He loved Chloe.

He shot out of bed and covered her up. He ran a hand through his hair. Had he always loved her?

It must have been there all along, but he was so blinded by what he wanted from life that he couldn't see that life was giving him what he needed. A match. A mate.

It wasn't his vision all along. He'd always seen his simple life with Lana Lang and little league and kids at the neighborhood pool.

Now he saw that life anew. With Chloe Sullivan and the city and the quest for truth and justice. A struggle. A fight. That was life.

Contentment and Complacence. That was death.

"Hey!" He shook Chloe.

She shot up. "I'm up. I'm... Clark! It's four in the..." She looked down and hurriedly pulled up the sheet, clearing her throat and blushing heavily. "So that happened," she said, nodding. "Okay."

He grinned and kissed her, surprising her. He pulled away, still grinning. "Chloe... this isn't gonna be perfect.


"We're gonna fight."

"Um... I guess?"

"And all the time because you're so stubborn and reckless and crazy..."

She sat up further. "What?"

"No. It's great. I mean, I say bring it."

She stared at him, the cutest line between her brows. He kissed it and her eyes widened. "Clark..."

"We don't agree," he said happily.

"Well, no. But you..."

"And me? I'm going to drive you crazy with not letting you do things your way..."

"No. But, you see, my way's more well thought-out and..."

He laughed. "You're even arguing now."

She slapped her hands on the bed. "Well, you won't let me talk."

He nodded. "I know."

She tilted her head and opened her mouth a few times.

He saw she wasn't following him yet. "Are you hungry?" he asked suddenly.

"Well... I guess I..."

"Stay here." He kissed her neck and gave her breast a fond pat. He turned back from the door. "Don't move."

She suddenly laughed and smiled widely. "Okay. I won't."

He whistled as he jogged to the nearest bakery. He didn't feel like speeding. He'd already missed enough this life. He was in sight of one and could smell the bread, probably warm and fresh now. It made him think of his mom. He should probably call her. Better yet, he and Chloe could stop in D.C. on their way back home. Maybe get some fancy room and...


He froze, then continued walking, pretending he didn't hear.

It is time.

He walked on. That could mean anything.

Remember your promise or her life is forfeit.

He stopped in the middle of the street and looked down. "Can I say goodbye?" he whispered.

Your oath holds or she dies.

"Will you let me explain to her? Just give me that?"

The time has come. Will you obey?

He clenched his fists and let his heat vision burn into the ground. "Yes," he growled.

Now. To your fortress. I will not wait much longer.

Clark breathed deep and sped ahead, tears blurring his vision. I'm sorry, Chloe. I did this for you.

Previous Chapter

Continued in... Almost Chloe


DeeDee said...

Wow. The BDA finally wises up, only for Jor-El to put a damper on things.

Amazing job, April. You kept us connected to the characters right from the first chapter, and I was riveted right from the off.

Off to read the sequel. Thanks for this!


Anonymous said...

I read this, forever ago, but I just spent 2 days at work reading it again. Yes, at work. I'm a slacker, what can I say?

I love this so much. I've been reading Almost Chlois, and while waiting for an update decided to read this again. Now I feel even more badly for Clark and Chloe.

I'm off to read the sequel now...

April said...

Thank you, g8r-gal. This was my first fic and I still feel touched by how well it was received.

Anonymous said...

Wow. I don't know what to say, but that this is an amazing fic. It was so good that I read it all in one day. I've never seen this take on Kaloe before, it's very intriguing. I was actually rooting for Kal to get Chloe more than Clark (which is weird considering they're the same person, technically). This was an amazing fic all around, I especially liked how you wove the Kaloe missing scenes in. :)

BkWurm1 said...

Came by for a reread to get a better handle on the baggage Clark was carrying around in Almost Chlois. Such a complicated and rich relationship. I had forgotten how complicite Clark had been in letting Kal out there at the end and even though I knew it was coming, that ending with Clark being called to train is just a sock to the gut.

I adore Chloe and Lois's relationship in the other stories but I had also forgotten how great it was in this one (and how early on Lois found out). A wonder of a story that stands the test of time.

April said...

Aw thanks, BkWurm. I've sometimes thought of writing an alternate happy ending to this fic where he does come back. Maybe when I finish, I can do a stand-alone version for those that aren't into the sagas.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I spent all of last night and half of today reading this and I have to say it is absolutely awesome.

You made me laugh, cry, yell, make threats and awe throughout the whole thing. Those last couple chapters I have no words. When she took the necklace off. I just wanted to let you know how great a writer you are and how much I enjoyed this before I move on to the next.

I really hope Clark and Chloe get their chance to be together and happy amidst all the drama of the world.

April said...

Thanks, Mysterious Reader. I'm working on getting them to that happy.

Anonymous said...

I came across the first few chapters of this story on the Clark and Chloe Two of us website, and I just had to come looking for the rest! And lucky me! I found it! & I’ve been reading it for the pas day and a half. It was like a drug!
I just have to say that you're an amazing writer! From the beginning I've been hooked. It was like an actual full length smallville movie in my head!
You made me cry, you made me laugh, you made me breathless...and when Clark finally realized that Chloe was the one he loved..I just literally screamed!
You wrote this story amazingly, and I am so thankful for that! You motivate me to do my own fics of my favorite couple!
And also your Kal was just so awesome! I will be re-reading this!
I am still amazed how you just made us feel what Chloe was feeling throughout the entire story. ..I felt her emotions!
You made me want to tear Clarks head and swoon for Kal! Lol, GREAT JOB, April!

I hope you continue to write amazing Kaloe, and Chlark fiction for us Chlark/Kaloe fans to read!

Simply wonderful!

Unknown said...

I just found out this blog and I'm so much moved that I can't express in words. The was my only outlet for chlark frustrations and it is drying up of chlark stories. I was sad that the end to a beautiful story has come, finally, but then I found these blogs full of chlark and I'm just like Wow! There is still so much more!!!

I can't say how much relief I'm feeling right now. This story is fabulous and one of the best in my favorites. You are a terrific writer! Off to read the sequel.

PS:You should post these stories on for full appreciation that these deserve as you will find fanfic oriented people there waiting for stories like this.

AV said...

I just can't express... This story... I'm pretty sure I started reading it somewhere else. And I was SO dissapointed that it wasn't finished. And then, I found it here... And there were so many chapters, I thought for sure... But no. :-( And I understand that once you've pulled back from a story it can be hard to reconnect... But please, oh god, please try! The last two chapters were what I had been waiting for. And this just ends on such a steep, deadly cliff, that I... It's so... Heart wrenching. What could I do to persuade you to just attempt to finish this fic?

April said...

@anonymous I never did get the rest of this archived at Two Of Us. It's just formatting issues, really. I'll get to it at some point. Thank you so much. I'm glad people are still reading this. I'm trying my damnedest to finish it.

@abhinke4u I heard was nearly Chlarkless. I'll have to get over there and crosspost one of these days. Thank you for the kind words. I've enjoyed writing this series. I'm on the last "book" now. Hoping to get it and my other WIPS all sewn up soon.

@AV I'm so sorry this seems abandoned. There is a second story, "Almost Chloe," and then five more. It's a behemoth of a series. I'm working on a new chapter now on the last story in this series, "Almost Lovers" and should have that up by tomorrow. I just have too many stories going at once, I guess, and life is busier than when I first started writing fic. But never fear, this series will be finished. I'm hoping to knock it out by the summer.

myr_heille said...

This was absolutely amazing. I loved it and read it all in a day, it was like a drug (or red kryptonite). That final scene between the two of them killed me in the best way possible. Looking forward to the rest, though it'll probably kill me and especially my free time, haha.

(You should post this on the AO3! More people need to read this amazingness.)

Androuska said...

This was fabulous. You should post a warning because when you start it is almost impossible to stop reading. I mean it is addictive and so well written. I discovered Smallville this summer and fell in love with Chloe and Clark. Your stories are so good I think you have a way to write that you can see the scenes... it is sexy, funny and exciting great stuff.
Can't wait to read the next fic.

Anonymous said...

Damn Jor El You should've let him explain...
This was one great fic!!!
Reading Almost Chloe right now... I'm curious... why ALMOST Chloe? Well I guess I should read and find out
